The quickest way to get motivated to get started in working out is to take a few snapshot of yourself in a swim suit or sports bra and shorts. Look for a photo from some time ago that you might be in the shape that you want to get back to. Doing this if possible can motivate even more because you know that YOU yourself has been where you want to be at some point in time so you know that it is possible!!!
Here is an example: This is a snapshot (though it is small...I can't find the original right now) of what I want to be at again...

This is where my body was the last day of my deployment that I work so hard to get in shape was. Seeing this picture makes me understand (especially on those tough, bad workout days) that my body is capable of being in the shape that I want because at some point it was there!!!!! (With confidence to spread around!!!) Try to look through the oodles of pictures you have on your computer (don't act like you don't) and find a snapshot of you when you were at the fitness you want to be and make it your background. This way, especially if you are a daily internet surfer (facebook, blogger), when you sit down to your computer, you will see that person that you want to be first thing!!!! Just staring at you. And don't always feel guilty and feel as if you must get up right then and go workout, or run a marathon. But at least let it motivate you enough to, while you are doing your other computer task, surf on the internet for simple "get moving" exercises or maybe a community walk that you and your family can do this weekend. Maybe you are interested in joining a walk in your community for a cause (for example breast cancer or MS). Take this time to look it up and jot down dates, times, and locations. Then, the next time you get together with your friends to catch up on the latest gossip, bring up the idea and tell them you want them to join. I am sure that at least one of them will be willing to do on with you. (Remember, the buddy system works for more than nor getting lost one your school field trips!!!)

I am loving your posts, girl! I'm so glad you are writing on the topic of diet/exercise because I definitely need a kick in the pants. The Exercise Journal is a wonderful idea. As for finding an old pic to inspire me, I'm thinking about posting it to a "Motivational Board", which basically is a bulletin board covered with photos and quotes that I can look at every day.
ReplyDeleteKeep the posts coming, I'm loving it! Maybe in the future you can design a weekly challenge to get your readers up and moving!
Well that is a good idea with the weekly challenge! I really don't think that anyone reads this except you..