Let's Get Motivated and ROCK That Body!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Exercise tips for Stay at Home Moms

I have a friend that has chosen to be a stay at home mom.  And I know she does a great job at it.  But, I have a feeling that most SAHMs have the habit of putting everyone else before her 99% of the time.  This can negatively affect her physically, mentally, and even emotionally.  Especially if the SAHM is having trouble getting that last bit of baby weight off.  Though I am not a SAHM (nor will I ever have the chance to be), heck I am not even a mom yet, but I know the importance of giving yourself your due credit and attention on your own.  Sometimes you just need JUST YOU time.  The best time for this time might be when your mini-me is napping and the hubby is off at work.  Just the few minutes that your little angel is in dream land can give you enough time to give yourself a quick workout.  I went to about.com and found these tips for exercising as a SAHM:

Wear Your Workout Clothes All Day

One common issue many of my stay-at-home clients have is finding big chunks of time for workouts. Even trying to hop on the treadmill or do a quick 30-minute video while the kids nap can be tough.

Here are a few kick start tips to help you get into a routine:

At the start of the day, go ahead and throw on some workout clothes as you are getting ready in the morning.  This gets you in the mood. Just wearing your workout clothes may motivate you to work harder even if you're just doing chores around the house. This makes workouts easier. You're always ready for a quick workout or walk whenever time allows. And maybe most importantly, this actionreminds you of your goal to exercise. Wearing your workout clothes is a reminder to get some kind of exercise in, no matter how short.

Make Everything Count

If you find you don't have time for continuous exercise or that you've missed a workout, that doesn't mean you can't get in some activity. Below are some ideas to burn more calories with everyday activities:

•Run the stairs. One client mentioned adding a few extra laps on the stairs when doing chores or chasing the kids around.
•Add more walking. A client races through the grocery store to burn extra calories. In the winter, she walks with the kids at the mall.
•Incorporate strength training. One stay at home dad does pushups with one of his kids on his back. Another client does a lunge every time she bends over to pick up toys or clothes.

It all counts. What ideas can you come up with in your own life?

Have Workout Ideas and Options Ready

Part of staying in shape when you have a hectic schedule is being ready to take advantage of a few minutes here and there. The trouble is, what's the best way to use that time and get the most out of it? Short bouts of exercise can be effective if you work hard enough.
Since I am not a stay at home mom, I cannot take credit for these idea.  I googled and found this on About.com.  However I went ahead and posted it on here for those that don't necessarily have time to research and scoure the internet.  If you already read my blog, might as well get something out of it.  I hope that this helps.


  1. Thanks for finding and posting these tips! All were very helpful and I'm going to try to incorporate them.

  2. I hope that you find some ways to help balance out the craziness of mommyhood!


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