Let's Get Motivated and ROCK That Body!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ways to Get Motivated When You Are in a Workout Slump

Everyone deals with it.  You feel under the weather, you have had a bad day/week, you get busy.  Everyone, at sometime or another, gets thrown down into a slump from working out.  Sometimes, especially when you feel like you are not getting any results.  Here are some tips to help you get out of that slump.  There is a reason that I am posting about this topic this week.  I am in somewhat of a slup, because I am stuck at my weight and my allergies have taking a toll on my well being.  So here we go:

One Goal. Whenever I’ve been in a slump, I’ve discovered that it’s often because I have too much going on in my life. I’m trying to do too much. And it saps my energy and motivation. It’s probably the most common mistake that people make: they try to take on too much, try to accomplish too many goals at once. You cannot maintain energy and focus (the two most important things in accomplishing a goal) if you are trying to do two or more goals at once. It’s not possible — I’ve tried it many times. You have to choose one goal, for now, and focus on it completely. I know, that’s hard. Still, I speak from experience. You can always do your other goals when you’ve accomplished your One Goal.

Find inspiration. Inspiration, for me, comes from others who have achieved what I want to achieve, or who are currently doing it. I read other blogs, books, magazines. I Google my goal, and read success stories. Zen Habits is just one place for inspiration, not only from me but from many readers who have achieved amazing things.

Get excited. This sounds obvious, but most people don’t think about it much: if you want to break out of a slump, get yourself excited about a goal. But how can you do that when you don’t feel motivated? Well, it starts with inspiration from others (see above), but you have to take that excitement and build on it. For me, I’ve learned that by talking to my wife about it, and to others, and reading as much about it as possible, and visualizing what it would be like to be successful (seeing the benefits of the goal in my head), I get excited about a goal. Once I’ve done that, it’s just a matter of carrying that energy forward and keeping it going.

Build anticipation. This will sound hard, and many people will skip this tip. But it really works.  If you find inspiration and want to do a goal, don’t start right away. Many of us will get excited and want to start today. That’s a mistake. Set a date in the future — a week or two, or even a month — and make that your Start Date. Mark it on the calendar. Get excited about that date. Make it the most important date in your life. In the meantime, start writing out a plan. And do some of the steps below. Because by delaying your start, you are building anticipation, and increasing your focus and energy for your goal.

Post your goal. Print out your goal in big words. Make your goal just a few words long, like a mantra (“Exercise 15 mins. Daily”), and post it up on your wall or refrigerator. Post it at home and work. Put it on your computer desktop. You want to have big reminders about your goal, to keep your focus and keep your excitement going. A picture of your goal (like a model with sexy abs, for example) also helps.

Commit publicly. None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will go the extra mile to do something we’ve said publicly. For example, when I wanted to run my first marathon, I started writing a column about it in my local daily newspaper. The entire island of Guam (pop. 160K) knew about my goal. I couldn’t back down, and even though my motivation came and went, I stuck with it and completed it. Now, you don’t have to commit to your goal in your daily newspaper, but you can do it with friends and family and co-workers, and you can do it on your blog if you have one. And hold yourself accountable — don’t just commit once, but commit to giving progress updates to everyone every week or so.

Think about it daily. If you think about your goal every day, it is much more likely to become true. To this end, posting the goal on your wall or computer desktop (as mentioned above) helps a lot. Sending yourself daily reminders also helps. And if you can commit to doing one small thing to further your goal (even just 5 minutes) every single day, your goal will almost certainly come true.

Get support. It’s hard to accomplish something alone. When I decided to run my marathon, I had the help of friends and family, and I had a great running community on Guam who encouraged me at 5K races and did long runs with me. When I decided to quit smoking, I joined an online forum and that helped tremendously. And of course, my wife Eva helped every step of the way. I couldn’t have done these goals without her, or without the others who supported me. Find your support network, either in the real world or online, or both.

Realize that there’s an ebb and flow. Motivation is not a constant thing that is always there for you. It comes and goes, and comes and goes again, like the tide. But realize that while it may go away, it doesn’t do so permanently. It will come back. Just stick it out and wait for that motivation to come back. In the meantime, read about your goal (see below), ask for help (see below), and do some of the other things listed here until your motivation comes back.

Stick with it. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Even if you aren’t feeling any motivation today, or this week, don’t give up. Again, that motivation will come back. Think of your goal as a long journey, and your slump is just a little bump in the road. You can’t give up with every little bump. Stay with it for the long term, ride out the ebbs and surf on the flows, and you’ll get there.

Start small. Really small. If you are having a hard time getting started, it may be because you’re thinking too big. If you want to exercise, for example, you may be thinking that you have to do these intense workouts 5 days a week. No — instead, do small, tiny, baby steps. Just do 2 minutes of exercise. I know, that sounds wimpy. But it works. Commit to 2 minutes of exercise for one week. You may want to do more, but just stick to 2 minutes. It’s so easy, you can’t fail. Do it at the same time, every day. Just some crunches, 2 pushups, and some jogging in place. Once you’ve done 2 minutes a day for a week, increase it to 5, and stick with that for a week. In a month, you’ll be doing 15-20. Want to wake up early? Don’t think about waking at 5 a.m. Instead, think about waking 10 minutes earlier for a week. That’s all. Once you’ve done that, wake 10 minutes earlier than that. Baby steps.

Build on small successes. Again, if you start small for a week, you’re going to be successful. You can’t fail if you start with something ridiculously easy. Who can’t exercise for 2 minutes? (If that’s you, I apologize.) And you’ll feel successful, and good about yourself. Take that successful feeling and build on it, with another baby step. Add 2-3 minutes to your exercise routine, for example. With each step (and each step should last about a week), you will feel even more successful. Make each step really, really small, and you won’t fail. After a couple of months, your tiny steps will add up to a lot of progress and a lot of success.

Read about it daily. When I lose motivation, I just read a book or blog about my goal. It inspires me and reinvigorates me. For some reason, reading helps motivate and focus you on whatever you’re reading about. So read about your goal every day, if you can, especially when you’re not feeling motivated.

Call for help when your motivation ebbs. Having trouble? Ask for help. Email me. Join an online forum. Get a partner to join you. Call your mom. It doesn’t matter who, just tell them your problems, and talking about it will help. Ask them for advice. Ask them to help you overcome your slump. It works.

Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. One common problem is that we think about how hard something is. Exercise sounds so hard! Just thinking about it makes you tired. But instead of thinking about how hard something is, think about what you will get out of it. For example, instead of thinking about how tiring exercise can be, focus on how good you’ll feel when you’re done, and how you’ll be healthier and slimmer over the long run. The benefits of something will help energize you.

Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones. Along those lines, it’s important to start monitoring your thoughts. Recognize negative self-talk, which is really what’s causing your slump. Just spend a few days becoming aware of every negative thought. Then, after a few days, try squashing those negative thoughts like a bug, and then replacing them with a corresponding positive thought. Squash, “This is too hard!” and replace it with, “I can do this!"  It sounds corny, but it works. Really.

I can't take complete credit for this because I looked it up online, because, yes I was starting to lose a tiny bit of motivation.  I hope though that this has helped you as much as it has me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

6 Week/ 10 lbs Challenge

Ok so my friends, Alana and her sister are starting a 6 week challenge.  They want to lose at least 10 lbs in six weeks.  Even though I started this already I will enjoy the company and the challenge or a shared time limit.  It will be interesting to see who loses more wieght.

I am starting this particular challenge at 174.  (Though I started the year at 190!!!!!)  My first goal is 165!  I can definitely do it in 6 weeks.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Using Bodybuilding for Weight Loss

Ok, ladies!  I need you to breathe and hear me out.  I know when most of you hear of Women Bodybuilding, this is what comes to mind:\

SCARY!!! Right!!  However, bodybuilding for women does not have to be synomynous to this picture above.  Bodybuilding can actual promote weight loss and stamina if used correctly.  You can actually easily incorporate weight traning and cardio exercises to achieve a bikini silhouette quicker.  Before I get any deeper in that, I would like to shed some light on some myths that you might have heard in the topic of women's bodybuilding.

1.     Weight training makes you bulky and masculine.  It is impossible for a woman to produce as much testostorone as a male.  Most of these women, unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity.  And then of course, they have to workout, workout, and workout some more!!!!  In reality, women who conduct weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness/figure shows these days.

2.     Exercise increases your chest size.  Wouldn't that be the most awesome thing ever.  Sorry ladies, our breasts are made of mostly fatty tissue, so in other words we do not have any muscle there to build and make larger.   As a matter of fact, if you go below 12 percent body fat, your breast size will decrease.  Weight training does increase the size of the back, so this misconception probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants.

3.     Weight training makes you stiff and musclebound.  If you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flyes, stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.

4.     If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat.  For some reason, this is a statement that i thought was true.  However, that is not the case.  Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What happens many times is that when people decide to go off their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits combined with the fact that their metabolism is lower due to inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the subject’s muscle is being turned into fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is being lost and fat is being accumulated.

5.      Weight training turns fat into muscle.  The way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics and diet simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

6.      As long as you exercise you can eat anything that you want.  Believe this if you want to!!  Our individual metabolism determines how many calories we burn at rest and while we exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn on a consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra calories as fat regardless of the amount of exercise that we do. This myth may have been created by people with such high metabolic rates (hardgainers) that no matter how much they eat or what they eat, they rarely meet or exceed the amount of calories that they burn in one day unless they put their mind to doing so. Therefore, their weight either remains stable or goes down.

And finally!...

7.      Women only need to do cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be very light.  First of all, if you only did cardio then muscle and fat would be burned for fuel. One needs to do weights in order to get the muscle building machine going and thus prevent any loss of muscle tissue. Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that they want. As far as the lifting of very light weights, this is just more nonsense. Muscle responds to resistance and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no reason for the body to change.

I hope that this cleared up some of your concerns of weight training as a female.  I have started back into weight training.  However, I can not take credit for this incredibly enlightening information.  I found it on:  http://bodybuilding.about.com/od/womensfitnesstopics/a/womenmyths_2.htm

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly update photo...

Okay this one is going to be short and sweet.  I haven't changed in weight, but I am not sure if I have or have not change in physique.  So here we go...

14 March 2011

22 March 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Motivation is the key!!!

Motivation really is the biggest part of working out, sticking with it, and being happy with the results you may see.  I use different types of motivation.  I have clothes that I cannot wear yet, that I at one time have been able to.  My favorite motivation though is being able to look at pictures and seeing a difference.  Yes, I understand that there is an art of standing and posing a certain way to highlight areas of your body you love to flaunt and camoflauge areas of your body that you may not be so comfortable with.  I went out with the girls this weekend, and of course the camera was out for theevent.  Of course, there were some pics that were immediately deleted, but there were some that were really cute.  After looking at them, (even though I am my own worst critic and was very critically on how I thought that I looked.)  I could see a change in my body from working out and being careful of what I eat.  I was motivated all over again because I was actually NOT mortified at what I saw.  I obviously have a bit more to go, but it is always important to realize change and celebrate each victory, no matter how minor it may seem.  Beleive it or not I could feel a difference too.  Meaning this:  almost every time I wore heels to an event like girls' night or something of that nature, those high heels have a habit of coming off halfway through the night.  Well, last night, though I didn't realize it, I did not really mind my high heels until the very end of the night and I was in the car going home.  It seems silly, but think about it.  Your feet hold ALL of your weight when you stand.  Put a pair of high heels in the mix that makes your legs and feet work to keep you balanced, then you are asking for a bit of torture.  (especially if you are not used to wearing heels regularly...says the girls that wears combat boots on a daily basis)  Ok, back to the point.  My feet didn't hurt as badly because they were not carrying around as much weight as they had in the past.  (I am 15 lbs lighter than I was in January 2011.)  Well, I am going to get off of my soap box.  Have a good night everyone and remember to stay active!!!

          Randi and Me    
        March 19, 2011

                   Me, Randy, Kayla, Amanda
                           March 19, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Doing a Scary thing!!!!

Ok, so I might be crazy, but I am going to be really brave here and post a picture of where I am at now.  I will post more pics as my progress continues...  (*deep breath in)

14 March 2011
5 ft 5in
175 lbs
I am going to try to post a pic at least once a month to show my progress.  (be nice!!!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Exercise tips for Stay at Home Moms

I have a friend that has chosen to be a stay at home mom.  And I know she does a great job at it.  But, I have a feeling that most SAHMs have the habit of putting everyone else before her 99% of the time.  This can negatively affect her physically, mentally, and even emotionally.  Especially if the SAHM is having trouble getting that last bit of baby weight off.  Though I am not a SAHM (nor will I ever have the chance to be), heck I am not even a mom yet, but I know the importance of giving yourself your due credit and attention on your own.  Sometimes you just need JUST YOU time.  The best time for this time might be when your mini-me is napping and the hubby is off at work.  Just the few minutes that your little angel is in dream land can give you enough time to give yourself a quick workout.  I went to about.com and found these tips for exercising as a SAHM:

Wear Your Workout Clothes All Day

One common issue many of my stay-at-home clients have is finding big chunks of time for workouts. Even trying to hop on the treadmill or do a quick 30-minute video while the kids nap can be tough.

Here are a few kick start tips to help you get into a routine:

At the start of the day, go ahead and throw on some workout clothes as you are getting ready in the morning.  This gets you in the mood. Just wearing your workout clothes may motivate you to work harder even if you're just doing chores around the house. This makes workouts easier. You're always ready for a quick workout or walk whenever time allows. And maybe most importantly, this actionreminds you of your goal to exercise. Wearing your workout clothes is a reminder to get some kind of exercise in, no matter how short.

Make Everything Count

If you find you don't have time for continuous exercise or that you've missed a workout, that doesn't mean you can't get in some activity. Below are some ideas to burn more calories with everyday activities:

•Run the stairs. One client mentioned adding a few extra laps on the stairs when doing chores or chasing the kids around.
•Add more walking. A client races through the grocery store to burn extra calories. In the winter, she walks with the kids at the mall.
•Incorporate strength training. One stay at home dad does pushups with one of his kids on his back. Another client does a lunge every time she bends over to pick up toys or clothes.

It all counts. What ideas can you come up with in your own life?

Have Workout Ideas and Options Ready

Part of staying in shape when you have a hectic schedule is being ready to take advantage of a few minutes here and there. The trouble is, what's the best way to use that time and get the most out of it? Short bouts of exercise can be effective if you work hard enough.
Since I am not a stay at home mom, I cannot take credit for these idea.  I googled and found this on About.com.  However I went ahead and posted it on here for those that don't necessarily have time to research and scoure the internet.  If you already read my blog, might as well get something out of it.  I hope that this helps.

Finding Motivation to Get Going!!!

The quickest way to get motivated to get started in working out is to take a few snapshot of yourself in a swim suit or sports bra and shorts.  Look for a photo from some time ago that you might be in the shape that you want to get back to.  Doing this if possible can motivate even more because you know that YOU yourself has been where you want to be at some point in time so you know that it is possible!!!

Here is an example:  This is a snapshot (though it is small...I can't find the original right now) of what I want to be at again...
  This is where my body was the last day of my deployment that I work so hard to get in shape was.  Seeing this picture makes me understand (especially on those tough, bad workout days) that my body is capable of being in the shape that I want because at some point it was there!!!!!  (With confidence to spread around!!!)  Try to look through the oodles of pictures you have on your computer (don't act like you don't) and find a snapshot of you when you were at the fitness you want to be and make it your background.  This way, especially if you are a daily internet surfer (facebook, blogger), when you sit down to your computer, you will see that person that you want to be first thing!!!!  Just staring at you.  And don't always feel guilty and feel as if you must get up right then and go workout, or run a marathon.  But at least let it motivate you enough to, while you are doing your other computer task, surf on the internet for simple "get moving" exercises or maybe a community walk that you and your family can do this weekend.  Maybe you are interested in joining a walk in your community for a cause (for example breast cancer or MS).  Take this time to look it up and jot down dates, times, and locations.  Then, the next time you get together with your friends to catch up on the latest gossip, bring up the idea and tell them you want them to join.  I am sure that at least one of them will be willing to do on with you.  (Remember, the buddy system works for more than nor getting lost one your school field trips!!!) 
March of Dimes

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Find a Buddy, find your inspiration!!!

One of the best ways to stay motivated in fitness (especially when the going get tough), is to find a person that will workout with you, walk with you each day, or even someone that keeps you accountable on your progress through your journey of getting into shape.  Speaking from experience, sometimes the idea of putting your body through pain on purpose seems upsurd.  I totally understand that!!  But you have to realize that in order to achieve your goals' you can not quit as soon as something becomes uncomfortable.  When you are walking/jogging for those 30 minutes, and that last 5 minutes has you cramping up or thinking about the fact that you would love to be anywhere but where you are at that moment, put the thought in your head that you are making yourself better, more fit, more empowered. 

Think about that spring dress that you want to look flawless in at the beginning of the season.  Think of those pair of jeans that just one year ago looked magnificent on you and made you feel amazing!!!  You get the point, I am sure!!  I say this because I am notorious for saying, "Oh!  I am really tired today!!  And I had a good workout this morning.  So I don't need to go to that fitness class tonight!"  This is the time that procrastination and yes even...laziness comes and wrecks your plans on becoming more healthy and in that summer bikini.  Find a time of the day that really gives you no choice to make the time and go to the gym or that walk that you always put off.  If you work, like I do, keep your running shoes either in your locker at work, in your car, or by your front door.  That way no matter how you will feel, that gear will be staring you in the face, reminding you of the time and effort that you need to put in to get into that really cute bikini in July.  (Do you like how I keep throwing this scenarios in?)  Another way to stay motivated is to grab that pair of jeans that you have that may not quite fit in the way that you would like and put it at the front of your closet in perfect view.  So, that everytime that you open your closet you see them, and are reminded of how you were so empowered when you looked the way you wanted in them.  This is when having a buddy can help.  A buddy can keep you accountable for your progress and what you are doing to get to your goal.  For example, I have a friend (who is also my neighbor) that every week we share if we had lost any weight that week and what we had learned to help or health or diet.  Believe it or not, this works!  Because, let's face it.  By nature, we are a competitive species.  As soon as your neighbor comes to you and says, "I lost 4 lbs this week!" and you know that you have only lost 2, then you are programmed to become competitive and want to ramp it up the next week to catch up to her or even surpass her.  This is the way we are built!!!  Use it to your advantage.  When I was depoyed last year, everyone in my work center was working out and daring each other to lift more weight than the other, or more repetitions on this particular machine...who ran the farthest...You get the point.  Believe me it works more than you will realize.  No matter what, keep up the good work and grab those running shoes and get off of the couch!!!!  You can do this!!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fitness Journal

To help me keep track of what I am eating and what I am doing as far as exercise, I have created a Weight Loss and Exercise journal. (please forgive the lack of pictures, I will add some at another time).  In this journal, each day I will post the following things: What training day it is (Cardio, Abs, Arms, Legs, Back, or Rest day.), the date of course along with my current weight.  ( I suggest only doing this at the start of each training week.)  I started my journal today, so I will weigh in every Thursday.  Also, I enter in any type of exercising that I did for that day.  Today, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at speed 5.0 and 20 minutes on the elliptical at level 6.  Next, I keep track of what I eat during my day:  Breakfast, Lunch, Supper and two snacks.  Eating several small meals a day will help boost your metabolism because your body will never really feel hungry.  If your body feels like it is "starving", the it will store the fat instead of burn it because it has the instinct to protect itself to keep going.  Ok, sorry...  Anyway, if you keep track of what you do and eat each day, you will start to be accountable for what you are doing and will more quickly see a result when you weigh in each week.  Also in this journal put some inspirational things that you may find to keep you motivated.  If you are into fitness magazines, like I am start clipping them out and tape them into your journal for a quick reference and inspiration whenever you feel stonewalled in your exercise.  Here are some pics of my journal.  There were others but I could figure out how to flip them....Yup that is the blonde kicking in...But anyway enjoy:

These are some clippings I cut out of a fitness magazine as motivation and instruction on trying new exercises.

Here is an example of an entry that I may put in my journal..  On this particular page it is Day 3 of my workout, and it is supposed to be my Rest day.  Well zumba happened to also fall on that day, so I just took it easy for the day and went to Zumba that evening.  Even on your rest day, you should at least do stretches like yoga or meditation even to keep your mind and body in the game and ready to go for the next day.  Be sure, though, to get plenty of rest, because it is harder on the body, when you put stress like a workout on it after am up all nighter or something like that.  Your body's natural defense mechanisms will kick in and will make it harder for you to lose that weight it is holding on to.
You may be wondering why I have my workout gear in a snapshot for you.  Well, this is some new workout gear that Igot today.  Sometimes, (always), or mind and body work in a weird way that if you tell yourself, "hey, I bought this stuff to specifically workout", you will be more motivated to want to wear it and use it.  Even though you are not trying to impress anyone while you are trying not to die while running on the treadmill, if you are comfortable with how you look in your gear, you will be more focused on your run or workout, rather than constantly pulling that shirt down to cover your midriff or adjusting your sports bra every ten seconds.  Believe me!!!  Being uncomfortable in your workout gear will most definitely negatively affect your workout and your state of mind.  Remember!!  Be comfortable, get going!! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Training Inspiration

Today I decided to look online for some workout inspiration.  I remembered back when I was on deployment that I looked at a website called http://www.bodybuilding.com/.  Now, before anyone gets all weirded out on the idea of a female bodybuilding, it is not like I am going to get all ripped up and ready to lift in the stongest man competition.  :)  Instead, I find this website invaluable in keeping motivated and educated on workout plans and eating right.  I suggest this website to anyone that is looking at starting a workout plan or wanting to enhance their workout.  This website will supply you with a workout plan that keeps it fresh so that you don't get bored and gives you days to relax too.  The reason I am blogging about this is to keep myself motivated.  If I have the feeling that someone is looking in on my progress or maybe if I can inspire someone to start working out then I will be more motivated to keep going and show people the progress that I can achieve.  Here is an example of my plan (actual an exact copy):

Female 20-39 Fat Loss

Day 1: Upper Body

Pushups Muscle Targeted: Chest

2 sets of 15 reps

Side Lateral Raise

Muscle Targeted: Shoulders

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Dumbbell Bench Press

Muscle Targeted: Chest

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

Muscle Targeted: Triceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Cable Rows

Muscle Targeted: Middle Back

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Alternate Hammer Curl

Muscle Targeted: Biceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Hyperextensions (Back Extensions)

Muscle Targeted: Lower Back

Air Bike

Muscle Targeted: Abdominals

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Stairmaster - Moderate

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

20 minutes

Day 2: Cardio Bicycling, Stationary - Moderate

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

30-40 minutes

Day 3:  Rest Day

Stretch or do Yoga

Cook and Prepare Meals for the week

Track your Progress-Update your workout journal

Day 4: Lower Body

Freehand Jump Squat

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

2 sets of 15 reps

Plie Dumbbell Squat

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps


Muscle Targeted: Hamstrings

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Barbell Side Split Squat

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Leg Press

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Leg Curl

Muscle Targeted: Hamstrings

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Leg Extensions

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Calf Raise

Muscle Targeted: Calves

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Running, Treadmill - Moderate

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

20 minutes

Day 5: Cardio Elliptical Trainer - Moderate

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

30-40 minutes

Day 6: HIT Full Body Butt Lift (Bridge)

Muscle Targeted: Glutes

2 sets of 15 reps

Push Press

Muscle Targeted: Shoulders

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Barbell Deadlift

Muscle Targeted: Lower Back

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Bent Over Barbell Row

Muscle Targeted: Middle Back

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

Muscle Targeted: Lats

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Stiff Leg Barbell Good Morning

Muscle Targeted: Lower Back

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Dumbbell Rear Lunge

Muscle Targeted: Quadriceps

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Day 7: Rest Day

Stretch or do Yoga

Cook and Prepare Meals for the week

Track your Progress-Update your workout journal

I know that it seems like alot but if you break it dow nto each day, it really isn't that bad.  I need to get a daily workout journal going and start with tracking what I did each day and what my goals are and when I hit them.  I will keep everyone updated with my progress.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Finding your niche in an exercise program that makes you interested and wanting to keep it up!

I understand the importance of having a successful workout regimine.  More than you probably know.  In the past couple of months, I have had a rude awakening to just how out of shape I had let myself become.  But I am determined to get back on the proper road to weight loss and getting back in shape.  I want to be happy with my body again.  I have seen a dramatic change already in the last two months.  I have gotten back on the treadmill and have stuck with it.  Even though, at times I had such a hard time staying motivated, especially those weeks that seemed like I had no results.  But I am happy to say that I am staying on track with what I am eating and doing my exercises.  I have started to do Zumba at my local gym.  It is really alot of fun, though I can not rely on Zumba alone so I make sure to get on the treadmill everyday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time for Change! :)

I know that I haven't posted anything for a while.  And frankly I am not even sure if anyone reads my blog.  But that is ok, because sometimes I just like to type out my feelings or whatever is going on.  After the new year I made a resolution to lose some weight and get healthy again.  My whole rollercoaster with trying to have a baby and it not happening has taken a toll on my health (only in the weight department).  So I have decided to put aside my worrying about procreating and focus more on what I should have been all along.  ME!!  I realized that I loved the way that I looked when I had come home from a 6 month deployment after working so very hard to lose almost 30 lbs.  So I hae made up my mind to do it again.  But this time I am not "cheating" (last time I was on Hydroxycut).  Now it is banned from the Navy and no one in the Navy is allowed to use it.  It is also very bad for you.  So, I am doing it all naturale!!!  At the beginning of this year I started at (dramatic pause) a hefty 190!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am happy to say that right now I am down to 177!!  Only 13 lbs, but it wasn't easy!!  And I also have to get down to 165 by May.  (My Navy weight standard)  I have to work very hard and I always have to motivate myself!!!  It is really hard at times!!  But I just wanted to share where I am and what I want to do.