Last week was a rough week for me and weight loss. Motivation seems to be lacking as soon as ahem...mother nature made her monthly visit. However, I was able to lose a little weight, getting me closer to my goal. If you wonder what I do, well, I mainly run on the treadmill (no, I am not that good at it yet and yes it is quite difficult!!), I also do a Zumba class at least twice a week (except for last week...told you motivation took a vacation!). Tonight, I made sure to go for a run before coming home for the evening, that way, I wopuldn't let myself get comfortable and not go run like I should. Sometime you have to do that. Make yourself workout when you don't feel like it. Believe me, if you push yourself and make yourself get out of your comfort zone of coming home and getting on the computer (talking to myself) or staying home and "treating" yourself to a relaxing night, and change it up and get going, your motivation will show up almost immediately. If you really want to get more active, as soon as you start that powerwalk with your friend or that fitness dvd, then your body is going to say "oh, something New!!" You will get motivated and ready to keep going!! However, do not get discouraged if your body sometimes does the opposite and tries to make you extra lap around your neighborhood more difficult. Thatis you body's one self defense mechanisms. Your body and brain are talking, saying ok, we are good to go this distance, but WAIT!! She is trying to go an extra lap, we have to make if more difficult because we don't want to work that hard because we aren't used to it and don't want to risk anything!!! Make it harder!! This is when it is important to keep your motivation set to make that extra lap. When you do you are conditioning your body harder, in effect burning more calories, and you guessed it!! BURNING MORE FAT!!! So remember when it gets harder, just tell you brain: "Get over it!!! We are doing these extra 100 yards!!!" This will motivate you when you are through and will make you yearn for more!!!

Setting a Realistic Goal is Key to Weight Loss

Maintain a Positive Attitude to Keep on Track
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