Most of us when we think of exercising, we tend to see the hours invested running on the pavement or in the gym. However, if you really sit down and think about it, you probably do more exercise throughout your day than you think. And if you feel that an hour or two at the gym is not for you then just focus on all the activities that you do on a daily basis and use them to your ability.

As people trying to maintain our fitness routines and/or lose a few pounds in a nation that is plastered with OBESITY, many are terrified to let themselves get just a tiny bit overweight. Many soccer mom's or SAHMs (stay at home moms for some of us who are unfamiliar with the acronyms) mentally beat themselves up because they took that nap while their child was sleeping instead of sweating out 30 minutes on the treadmill. Give yourself some credit!!!
Throughout your day, you may be surprised at how much you walk around and run up and down those stairs and hallways. Here is a challenge for you: get a pedometer that you can easily attach to your waistband. Put your pedometer to work as soon as your alarm goes off. It will record all those steps that you take to go to you little ones' rooms to wake them, to the kitchen for breakfast, throughout your house and all of your errands that you may run throughout the day. It is so much easier to set a challenge of taking a few steps more eah day, rather than fretting about getting on the scales every week. Record your steps each day. It is not necessary to keep a separate log book that you need to keep up with and feel obligated to organize. (Face it!!! You have enough on your plate!!) Just quickly jot down the number of steps you have taken on you household calendar each night. Even if you don't mean to, you will be surprised how you automatically start challenging your self to tak 10-15 more steps throughout the day. And instead of stressing about your weight, (because we have already learn that stress can keep the pound packed on),You are just focusing on the already busy tasks throughout your schedule. Try it!!! I know you will be surprised at the results!!!
Here are a few examples that might surprise you:
Hooray for Housework!
Whether you love or loathe housework, it can help you burn some serious calories and keep you in good shape. For example, when you spend 45 to 60 minutes washing your windows or floors, you're not only giving your house a super cleaning, you're giving your body the benefit of exercise. So grab that mop and go!

Get out in the Garden!
For those of you that may enjoy doing the work yourself to keep your curb appeal at it's best, weeding, mowing, and gardening for 30 to 45 minutes can burn up to 200 calories. Be sure to stretch your arms, back, and legs beforehand to help you prepare for digging holes with a spade or shovel, planting seeds, or laying sod. Another trick: Get even more exercise by using a push mower to cut your grass. (yeah right I know!!)

Wax On, Wax Off!
We all have ride that we like to look in its best condition. Washing and waxing a car for 45 to 60 minutes is one of many activities that will burn calories and get your heart rate up. But please, before you head outside to clean and shine your car, make sure you give your body a warm-up stretch. Also, if you feel pain in any of your muscles once you start working on your car's exterior, be sure you stop.

Baby Love
No mommies, I didn't forget that I was talking specifically with you!! Taking your little one out for a walk allows for some bonding time and also helps you get into shape. Pushing a stroller a mile and a half in 30 minutes can help you get your pre-baby body back. To maximize your workout, try going uphill and incorporating deep lunges into your strides.

Go for a Ride!
This is specially great for moms with children old enough to ride bikes themselves. And even if you don't there are carts available that are attachable to your bike. (My hubby and I have one--for our SPOILED ROTTEN pups!!) :) Cycling five miles in 30 minutes (or four miles in 15 minutes) is a perfect way to get your daily dose of cardio without putting too much stress on your knees.
Yay for Yardwork!!
Yes, I know we have already discussed gardening. Raking leaves for 30 minutes can really work your upper body. But don't overdo it, especially if you don't exercise frequently — you could injure yourself. To minimize this risk, keep your feet and hips shoulder-width apart and rake by shifting your weight from leg to leg rather than twisting your back. Wear gloves to prevent blisters, and bend at the knees to bag and move piles of leaves.

Dancing Like the Stars!
Don't roll your eyes!! I know that you jam out to your favorite song in the shower and get jiggy with it while vacuuming. If you would like to learn how to actually dance, the gyms located in your city usually offer some sort of dancing fitness classes.

Lap It Up!
For those of you that are rockstar swimmer, (not me...I know that I am a Navy Sailor!!! Don't judge me!!), swimming is a marvelous way to burn a super amount of calories. It is perfect for those of us that might have a joint problem for the low impact exercise that will give us full body workout!!!

Get the Scoop!
If you live in a snowy region, the winter is a great time for you to squeeze in some exercise — you just need to shovel snow for 15 minutes! Make sure to spend a few minutes stretching out your cold muscles, though, before grabbing the shovel. Follow these guidelines to prevent injury from this wintertime workout:
Some advice:
Lift with your knees, not with your back. Slow down if you start to sweat. Stay hydrated. Take frequent breaks. Lift smaller loads and avoid holding your breath while lifting. Stop if you feel pain.

Start Climbing!
Too busy to hit the Stairmaster? That's okay — any staircase will do! If you set aside 15 minutes of your day to go up and down a set of steps, you can burn 150 calories. So get off that elevator and take the stairs every chance you get! (And if you get looked at funny, then invite company!!)

Shoot Some Hoops!
If you have the chance to get out with your friend and you enjoy some time on the court, then it is a perfect way to get your heartrate up. It is also a good way for comradore and hanging out with the gang. I know that not all of us are basketball player, me included. Insteadof shooting hoops, go out and play some tennis or even frisbee. (You will be surprised how much you run around after a frisbee!)

I hope that this has opened your eyes on how many ways are available for everyday exercise!!! Don't give up hope and keep moving!!
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